The future of sustainable printing
The printing industry, which represented an authentic cultural revolution at its birth, already has a history of more than 500 years behind it, and has evolved very rapidly in recent decades.
The emergence of online printing platforms has optimized access to these services, reducing their costs and taking advantage of new technologies.
The most relevant change, in addition to the modernization of many technical processes, is the increasingly widespread awareness of the need to limit the ecological footprint generated by this activity.
Saving water
The state-of-the-art machinery saves water in printing processes and has to be replaced very rarely. Achieving substantial water savings, the printing process becomes cheaper and its environmental impact is limited.
Ecological materials
The use of ecological paper sheets of FSC certified origin and vegetable-based inks help to create a production process that is less harmful to the environment and more sustainable in general, since the provenance of these materials is controlled. Chemical processes harmful to the ecosystem are omitted in the production and manufacturing processes.
It is crucial to reuse and recycle both the excess paper and the residual chemicals generated by the printing activity.
Ecological inks
The ecological vegetable inks present a composition similar to that of traditional inks. But with one important difference: mineral oils are replaced for the most part by vegetable oils. These inks make it possible to significantly reduce the production of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are a source of contamination resulting from the use of traditional printing inks.
In addition, as there are no mineral oils, the solvent necessary for the use of inks presents a minimum level of toxicity, and comes from renewable resources by 80/85%. This reduces the use of petrochemical mineral resources.
Recycled and chlorine-free paper
The following raw materials were used for their manufacture: fibers recovered from paper or post-consumer cardboard (from waste paper already used) and fibers recovered from pre-consumer paper or cardboard (from cuts that have not been used generated in the paper production process, in printers, etc.).
Values and social commitment
What does it mean to be a “sustainable printing company”? It means having assumed values that govern all activities. Social commitment and respect for the environment are some of these values. It is about working in the present with a vision of the future; something that future generations will certainly appreciate.