The paper industry in Colombia, continues to advance processes to raise awareness in public and private sector institutions in order to refute information that goes against the reality of this sector, as reported by Isabel Cristina Riveros, director of the Chamber of Industry of Pulp, paper and cardboard of the ANDI (CPPYC).

It is not correct to attribute environmental damage to the fact of using and producing paper, says Riveros, among other reasons because “the industry does not source wood from natural forests to produce paper, on the contrary, it is the largest commercial reforestor in Colombia, as well as the largest recycler of paper and cardboard. The commercial forest plantations used for the production of paper, have the capacity to provide benefits such as soil protection against erosion processes, regulation of river and stream flows, incorporation into the regional economies of areas already ruled out by other land uses, and generation of jobs for the communities. ”

This chamber of the ANDI, released since 2013 the Cadena de Papel initiative, in partnership with the Colombian Association of the Graphic Communication Industry, Andigraf; the Colombian Chamber of Books; the National Association of Media, Asomedios; the Colombian Association of Newspaper Publishers and News Media, Andiarios; and the Foundation for the Promotion of Reading, Fundalectura, which together seek to transform the collective consciousness around the continuous use of paper and promote its responsible and sustainable consumption.

Each of the companies that produce pulp, paper and cardboard in Colombia are aware that, despite all efforts, there is a long way to go. That is why they work tirelessly to generate knowledge and information for their professionals, investing in technology, adjusting processes, constantly innovating and developing social investment projects to provide greater value to customers and consumers, improve efficiency and minimize each time plus the impact of the operation.

Between 2010 and 2015 this sector managed to reduce per ton produced:

1.5% water intake.
2% of vertimientos.
3.6% of energy consumption.
32% of the consumption of liquid fossil fuels.
2% of coal consumption.
2% of waste generation.
1.5% of CO2 emissions.
In addition, it recycled 881,929 tons of paper and cardboard and 71% of the paper consumed was reincorporated into the cycle.
“From the Chamber we work hard to achieve a paradigm shift and make the company, public private institutions and people correctly communicate the benefits of digital tools, without going against the advantages offered by the use of paper in communications and the management of information “indicates Riveros.


For these reasons it is not correct to use phrases or messages like Lantes to print this message, make sure it is necessary, protect the environment is in your hands; contribution to the environment by saving paper; decrease the use of paper is to give more life to the planet; less paper, more awareness; 16 reams of paper = 1 tree.

