Evolution of printing inks

The evolution of printing inks has undergone many changes and readjustments in recent years. From the earliest times where pigments, for example black, were obtained from the soot generated by burning coal. This black was destined among others for the printing of newspapers that, once read, had the function of wrapping the sandwiches that we took to work. When we removed this wrapper we could read what was printed on our bread … and nothing happened.

Since then, the evolution of inks has gone hand in hand with the regulations imposed on us by Health, EU and other institutions, as well as new raw materials, additives and components that warn us of the danger of inks. Vegetable, ecological, low odor, low migration, etc. inks have been created for this purpose.

All this has led to the inks becoming healthier but at the same time more complex to apply, that you have to take into account many more things, more regulations, more specifications, resistances, warnings for the post impression as the manipulated, the varnishing, the laminate as well as the final destination of printed, feeding etc.

From the definition obtained from the ‘New Dictionary of Study of Commercial Products and Applied Chemistry’ (Edic. – Hoepli), the complexity of the ‘Ink System’ emerges, evidencing the demand and the work dedicated to this more or less viscous and toned paste.