CMYK vs. RGB: differences between these two color formats
When we are going to create an image with an editor we usually have several color modes to choose from, such as, for example, grayscale, RGB, CMYK, bitmap, etc. Each one has its own characteristics and advantages over others.
RGB and CMYK are the two most known color modes and used in all types of images. Being two different ways to see the color in the image, and each has a specific purpose.
RGB: red (Red), green (Green), and blue (Blue) is the most internationally recognized color model.This color mode is characterized by working through the “addition” of color, that is, the sum of the three basic colors overlapping ends giving the color white.
CMYK: cyan (Cyan), magenta (Magenta), yellow (Yellow) and black (Key black). Also known as four-color, it works by subtraction, that is, when two colors are superimposed, the luminosity of them is subtracted until, when they are superimposed, they all end up generating the black color.
Depending on the purpose we are going to give to the design, it is advisable to use one mode or another. If, for example, we are creating an image for a web or an image that will be seen on the computer screen, then we must use the RGB color mode, since this is the same way that the screens use. If on the contrary we are working on a design that is going to be printed, then we will choose CMYK, since it is the most used color mode in printing.
If you are going to print an image or design, get in touch with your printer and they will clarify any type of doubt about color formats, making your design and your printer compatible. Do not forget that color is very important.