Codimaq provides machines and supplies for advertising
Advertising is everywhere. Nowadays, it is a traditional tool to carry thousands of messages daily in order to inform and sell. Therefore, José Gómez Huertas, Codimaq Sales Manager, recommended incursionar in the advertising inputs to promote the companies and create a differentiation against their competitors in the market.
Advertising solutions
Gómez said that the pins and key rings are important sources of dissemination, because they produce a brand image that lasts over time, since they are used daily. Therefore, he advised that an entrepreneur start selling these supplies.
“Someone who recently joined the business should buy a machine for key rings and advertising buttons, or a machine for pens that are the ones that work all year. Another option is also to get binding machines, spiral machines and banders, which we also sell, “he said.
Effective way to win the customer
In addition, marketing strategies are also in the products they disseminate, since they encourage knowing the brands and manage to sell the desired and desired products to the consumer.
In this regard, José Gómez said: “The manufacture of supplies such as pens, bindings, tomatoed, cups and more, are the main part to obtain customers. This is how we are dedicated to the development of the machines to make key rings and advertising buttons. Apart from that, we sell the supplies “.
Also, the products with which these machines work are made of different materials such as metal, wood, leather, with USB, with LED, etc. The head of sales said that the machines and supplies they sell have modest prices.
“We have products with affordable prices for any entrepreneur who wants to produce advertising articles. There are prices of 1380 soles and even 1200 soles. The materials also have affordable prices, “he said.
He also explained that these machines achieve what was expected by the entrepreneurs and are easy to use: “Every person can operate the machines. Now the graphic sector has an established line, but within it they complement with the products. Besides, they get to obtain the short-term investment. It is profitable”.
Finally, Gomez Huertas said that the innovation that has just been released is a machine that prints on full-color pens, which has a year warranty.
“First, we commercialize printing machines. In the 26 years that we have in the market we manufacture machines for key rings and advertising buttons. Now, we offer a machine that prints on pens. ”