The printing press in Spain from its beginnings to the present
In the history of humanity, few inventions have generated such a deep and lasting impact, as the creation of the printing press.
In this sense, the printing press represented a complete revolution during the Middle Ages. The Gutenberg press, allowed the books to massify, thus allowing the dissemination of knowledge. This thanks to the speed and ease of reproduction, and the reduction of related costs.
Thus, the printing press promoted literacy, as well as the dissemination and creation of knowledge. It also contributed to the strengthening of the economy in the main European cities.
During the beginnings of the printing centers, under the authorization of the respective monarch, they dedicated themselves to the reproduction of traditional works. This was the case of the printing press valencia, the first to be established on Spanish soil. However, over time the printing was expanding, exceeding the twenty million books reproduced only in Spain. Some experts say that the printing press was the trigger that caused the consequent end of middle age. As well as the end of feudalism, and the beginning of centuries and centuries of scientific, technological, philosophical and political advances.
Evolution of the printing press in Spain
After the invention of the printing press by Gutenberg in 1450, printing workshops were established in the main cities of the time. Thus, Spain arrived a couple of decades later from the hands of German and Italian printer masters.
In this sense, experts claimed that the first printing press was established in Valencia in 1475. Then the invention came to Segovia, Barcelona, Zaragoza and Seville. In its beginnings the Spanish workshops were dedicated to the printing of traditional works.
During the first times the invention did not cause major commotion in the new world. However, as soon as this changed the market was expanded the demand for books expanded considerably. Less than a century after its creation, the printing press became an instrument at the service of crowns and religions. As much or more than what served for the benefit of knowledge. Thus, recurrent impressions addressed ecclesiastical indoctrination, although there was still interest in the classics of the time.
The Spanish press today
Much time has elapsed since the printing of the first works reproduced in vernacular dialects. Since then the art of printing has been influenced by the internet and new technologies. It has evolved to offer optimal processes and results, with budgets increasingly reduced.
In this sense, the concepts and procedures of the printing press are part of the day in Spanish printing. This type of techniques allows you to enjoy various printing services, such as offset and large format. In addition, the use of digital techniques allows quality and price to go hand in hand, thus obtaining the best results at the best price.